Happy Easter! But, hold on. This post will apply to you whether or not you celebrate Easter. Easter is about transformation, about something beautiful rising out of something tragic. Before Christ ever walked the earth, people held great celebrations at the beginning of spring because (more…)
Easter, The Earth And The Great Turning
It's Easter morning! And warmish out! My pear trees and blueberry bushes are blossoming, our baby chicks are growing into leggy adolescents, and I'll soon walk over to choir practice at Tabor Heights Methodist, where we'll rehearse -- with trumpet players! -- for the Easter service. It's all so climactic. . . . diamond-cut, really. We've ...
Happy Hybrid Easter!
Hybrid: a result of cross-breeding. Easter: a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ — celebrated the Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox.
Wait a minute. Easter is famously Christian, but its timing is completely earth-centered, ruled by nature, which is to say it is pagan. Easter is a hybrid holiday. Christianity has been shown by scholars to have deep roots in the earlier earth-centered religions