I found this via Tess Giles Marshall, one of my favorite web writers. Courtesy of Americans Against The Tea Party. Modern Christians tend to forget that Jesus was a radical champion of the poor, and spent much of his time working to heal them.
I found this via Tess Giles Marshall, one of my favorite web writers. Courtesy of Americans Against The Tea Party. Modern Christians tend to forget that Jesus was a radical champion of the poor, and spent much of his time working to heal them.
Glad you liked it (and thanks for the compliment!).
Thanks for your comment on my blog and your question about haiku. Schools generally teach that haiku are 5-7-5 syllables but once you have more experience you find out that it is much more complicated than that. Even in Japanese the 5-7-5 rule has never been as strict as most people think and English syllables are different than Japanese syllables and contain more information, therefore English language haiku writers usually use 5-7-5 as their upper limit rather than as a strict rule. Then there are rules about using seasonal words, two images etc etc. If you’re interested in finding out more, there are lots of links in the sidebar of my blog!
love this!
Ms. Poet (aka Juliet) — thank you for educating me on haiku. I’d had no idea of all the nuances. Of course I would need a crafty poet like you to explain them to me!
Deb, thanks for dropping by. Short posts like this one give me more time to work on my novel, Revelle, which has quite the (time-consuming) life of its own.