I recently asked a good friend how happy he was on a scale of 0 to 10. He only had to think for a few seconds. “A five,” he said. “You?”
“I’m at 9 or 10,” I replied. Interestingly, he makes about twice as much money as I do, and even likes his job (as do I). The social sciences have studied happiness quite thoroughly, so what have they learned about what makes us happy? Plenty, but the single viewing- lens I’ll choose for today is the year in which people in the U.S. reported their highest level of happiness, which was 1957.
In 1957 people did less T.V.-watching, more socializing and more bridge-playing with friends and neighbors than now. They ate more meals together at home and did less dining out. They voted more. They walked and used public transit more, owned fewer cars per household, and did less driving. They bought fewer clothes. In fact, Americans were less affluent and did much less purchasing of most items in general during the time in history in which they reported the most happiness. And they had more sense of community.
Would I want to be living in 1957? Absolutely not. Back then our culture was stiflingly homogeneous and repressive of women and minorites. I don’t believe in idolizing ‘good old days’ that really never were, but instead, in learning all we can from our history. In its favor (if you care about social justice in addition to happiness) 1957 America had a strikingly smaller gap between rich and poor than it does now. Of course in all times and places, if your survival needs are not met, you have no chance of happiness. Incomes were much more moderate than now during the peak of happiness in the U.S.
All the above makes it unsurprising that I report twice as much happiness as my friend who earns twice what I earn. (Note: he is single and I would like to set him up with a cool single woman. Any ideas?)
I, A Tax Non-Begrudger « Diamond-Cut Life // Apr 15, 2008 at 7:47 pm
[...] to think we’d be happier if we got to spend all our money on luxuries instead of taxes. Read The Peak of Happiness to learn why that’s not true. Happy April 15th to you, and please post a comment if you like [...]
Such a great point!!
When I reflect on life from the ripe old age of 47 (:grin:) I realize that some of my happiest days were when I was working my way through college. I didn’t even own a credit card, drove a run down ancient Honda, shared housing, and only shopped for clothing or other items when absolutely necessary. I was frugal as could be, and usually nearly broke. But my life was filled with goals, experiences, meaningful work, and much comraderie.
I’d rate myself a 5-6 right now, and am envious of YOUR 9-10! I’d like to expand my social and networking horizons, especially now that I telecommute and spend all day at home alone working (for which I am very grateful). Another challenge is that we moved to a small town just this winter, which has been quite an adjustment.
My own experience is that most material items, beyond basic necessities, give me very little real happiness. When we were packing to move, I couldn’t believe the amount of meaningless stuff I had accumulated - purging much of that stuff was such a liberating experience!