Have I ever mentioned that I once worked as a weight-reduction counselor? Or that the summer I was 18 the Army rejected me because I weighed, embarrassingly, 158-1/2? I cringe at the memory, not because the military and I could ever have been a match made in heaven, but because my overeating was out of [...]
Entries Tagged as 'grace'
Top Ten Tips For Not Gaining Weight Over The Holidays
November 26th, 2009 · 3 Comments · entertainment, food & drink, health & well being, simplicity, spirituality & religion
Tags: baking·binges·diet·grace·holidays·monkey-mind·Overeaters Anonymous·overeating·real food·ritual·stewardship·television·weight loss
Getting Consumed By Sustainability
May 29th, 2008 · 2 Comments · sustainability, work
How do we sustain ourselves as we work on sustainability? There is so much work to do, how do we keep from being just another group of American workaholics, set apart only by a bigger vision and slightly different consumption patterns? It’s 3:49 a.m. as I’m writing (I have insomnia). My upcoming day, my recent [...]
Tags: 97215·blogging·commuting·culture·grace·insomnia·life·lover·renewal·spirituality