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Entries Tagged as 'counseling'

When Deniers Of Global Warming Are Hurting Us All

July 27th, 2009 · 2 Comments · global warming and climate change, politics

Sometimes a commenter on Diamond-Cut Life says something so valuable I’m compelled to print it as a post, itself. Richard Pauli’s is such a comment. In response to The Psychology Of Naysayers On Global Warming, Mr. Pauli points out that when the person denying global warming is a decision-maker (a senator, for example) we cannot [...]



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Best Antidote to Terrorism: Emotional Fitness

November 24th, 2007 · 1 Comment · politics, sustainability

What if my town or yours sustained a terrorist attack early tomorrow morning? Would you and I freak out in surprise and fall apart? Or would we be emotionally fit enough to behave in constructive, responsible ways?

As an advocate of sustainability, I believe in fitness of all kinds. For instance, I work at being physically fit and financially fit. My master’s degree, though, is in counseling psychology, and



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