Diamond-Cut Life

More Joy, Less Stuff

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Entries Tagged as 'biodiesel'

Portlandia On Mount Tabor

August 10th, 2012 · 2 Comments · home & garden, lifestyle, Oregon

For my readers outside the U.S., Portlandia is a comedy TV show that makes fun of



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Heating Our House With Biodiesel, II

October 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments · energy, sustainability

Brrr . . . . we’re suddenly needing to run the heat in the morning, so it’s definitely autumn here in Portland, Oregon. We just filled our oil tank for the winter with biodiesel, B20 this time, from Star Oil, who bought it from SeQuential Biofuel. This will be the second winter we’ll have been [...]



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Doing The Unthinkable

March 21st, 2008 · No Comments · sustainability

Every household has its own little culture. Within Thor’s and mine, I did the unthinkable last night: I drove (did not walk) the 3/10 mile from our house over to choir practice.

This was not even in the Prius or other hybrid we have yet to purchase, but in our 1993 Nissan Sentra. As I was stepping out the door to walk to the church, I realized there



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Biodiesel Now Yielding 3.5 to 1?

March 11th, 2008 · 2 Comments · food & drink

Some folks are familiar with how we heat our home with biodiesel, with real success. The kind we use is made from vegetable oil that had its first life in restaurants, (and is usually discarded in places less funky and sustainable than Oregon). All of which is another reason I love living here.

My understanding had been that traditional (not recycled) biodiesel was not sustainable, i.e. uses so many fossil-fuel



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Biodiesel, Carpooling and Happiness

February 28th, 2008 · 1 Comment · sustainability

In my ongoing quest for the diamond-cut life of happiness without excess consumption, I notice a couple of things.

Many non-mainstream choices I make, like carpooling, increase my happiness. (This gang of public-interest attorneys I’ve gotten mixed up with is turning out to be a hoot. So-o-o-o much more fun than driving alone.) Other choices my household makes, like heating our house with biodiesel, has a fairly neutral daily impact on



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Heating Our House With Biodiesel

February 17th, 2008 · 6 Comments · sustainability

I got up at 5 this morning and immediately put on my fleece pants, top and socks. (It’s a bummer that fleece is so great when it’s derived from petroleum). I was still cold so I turned the heat on — not petroleum.

Thor and I have almost pure biodiesel (B99) in our oil furnace. We bought it from Star Oil, who bought it from SeQuential Biofuel. So we’re heating



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