Today’s post fleshes out an ad I just posted on Craigslist for a housemate. Thor and I want to continue practicing a modest form of community and learning to grow some of our own food. I like having a housemate, especially when it comes to that person teaming with me on the gardening. Much more fun with a partner!
Friendly married couple, both professionals in sustainability, seeks one stable, congenial person experienced in vegetable gardening and housekeeping to work in exchange for rent and utilities.
You are
- Organized and able to keep an accurate work-log in Excel
- Experienced at living with others
- Happy to work 6 hours/week without excuses
- Able to make a six-month commitment
- Experienced at vegetable gardening and housekeeping
- Able to make vegetarian meals and enjoy them with us
- About 7 or 8 on sloppy to tidy continuum (10 = tidiest)
- Equipped with resume and references, both employment and housemates
- Possibly car-free (we live on frequent bus-line #15)
- Comfortable with green lifestyle, i.e. CFL’s, low hot-water use, composting
- An independent contractor (if you get the position)
We’re offering
- Pleasant house with spacious, sunny bedroom for you
- $16-$20/hour in rent/util. for skilled, reliable work
- Lovely neighborhood near Mt Tabor Park
- Fairness, consideration and paid time off after first two months
- References from the prior people in the position
To apply:
Please only apply if the top bullet-points really describe you. If they don’t, consider approaching someone else with an offer to work in exchange for rent. (I’ve seen at least one person I know get taken up on such an offer.)
- Browse this blog to get an idea of who your would-be supervisor is
- Write a short letter telling me why you’re interested in the position
- Email your letter to me at [email protected] along with your resume and phone number
- Put ‘Diamond Cut Life’ in your email subject line so I”ll know you read this
Please understand I can only respond to you if I see a possible fit. Warm wishes, and thank you for your interest!
Gosh there is one problem, you live in Portland and I live in Bend. We would have a match made in heaven! I’m a professional horticulturist with a landscape maintenance business for 26 years. If you ever move over, give me a ring!-Barb