I know. You think I’ve degenerated into being a slacker. No, a frigging slacker. You picture me lounging around in coffee shops in torn clothing, pink-streaked hair and freshly inked tatoos. You see me reading subversive literature and debating land use in heated, holier-than-thou tones (you possibly watch Portlandia).
Well, I can own there’s been a paucity of posts, and what has been appearing is often written by gifted people who aren’t me. The photo on the left will be four years old this summer. I’ll admit that my blogging has been looking like the reverse image of a New Years resolution.
So, gentle reader, let me lift the curtain on my writing life and invite you inside. No tatoos, no hair color not found in nature, no slouchy coffee shop sessions or land use rants. I’ve actually been following my 2012 NY resolution, and also my 2011 resolution before it. I’m finishing my novel, Revelle, and will self-publish it later this year. Turns out it takes hundreds and hundreds of hours to write a novel, and like many creatives, I also have a full-time job claiming my time (mine is in transportation options. Cool stuff, progressive and meaningful, but it can sure drain the brain). Helping me, polishing my work and relieving some of my brain-drain is Erick Mertz, whom I’ve hired as my editor. He’s great to work with: smart, responsive, warm, thoroughly engaged. I recommend him.
In our lives we always have to choose some things over others. I’m choosing finishing my novel over steady blog posts here at Diamond-Cut Life. Some things, though, trump Revelle, and ought to. For example, the book came to a halt for two months last spring, when I attended my mother’s death, and then grieved it. I feel great about that choice, and would make it again in a heartbeat. I am not saying: ‘All things in moderation’. I’m saying: ‘Do the right thing. The right thing usually stems from love.’
Hundreds of times in my life I’ve been happily set on fire by good fiction. I want to create that rich, joyful experience for others with my novel. The first chapter of Revelle is here. I’ll post the second chapter within January. My next Diamond-Cut post will be a short story by an amazing 12 year old named Sophia Gonzalez.
Having read Chapter 1 of Revelle I have no complaint about the blog. I see you working hard and making important choices to reach your goals. And doing it joyfully. You are truly an inspiration!