Who is winning what, you might ask. Last month I announced a giveaway drawing of a great book that I reviewed: Wild: Lost And Found on
the Pacific Crest Trail by fellow Portlander Cheryl Strayed. To enter, you would subscribe to Diamond-Cut Life (to your right; easy to unsubscribe with a click at any time). If you were already subscribed, you just needed to tell me to enter you in the drawing.A cheerful insomniac, I sat on the couch at 4:30 yesterday morning with my coffee to my right, little slips of paper beside me on my left. Each slip had a subscriber’s name penciled on it. I said a brief prayer, asking God and Goddess (both are necessary, I feel; it truly puzzles me that so few people pray this way) to guide my hand to an excellent choice. Eyes closed, I reached out, stirred the pieces, and took one in my fingertips. I opened my eyes and read: Allison Hamilton.
I smiled. Allison is the creator of Oregon’s Solar Highway, the nation’s largest such solar installation. She’s been subscribing to Diamond-Cut Life since 2009, and has told me she periodically refers people to my post on how renewable energy has to be paired with energy conservation if we’re going to reach sustainability. Allison lives in the country with her dogs and husband, rides her motorcycle really fast, grows rioutously prolific fruits and vegetables, and is one of the boldest, gutsiest people I know.
She’s just the right person to have won Wild, a book by and about another bold, gutsy Oregon woman.
WILD is a fantastic book. Cheryl Strayed (strayed, like when a dog goes wandering off) is my current hero(ine). What an incredible journey through life she will take you on. Get the book.
Thank you very much, Ali!
Allison, it’s such a pleasure to have sent the book to you. I was going to add that you are the perfect recipient, with your wildish spirit — yet I think that Wild holds something good for almost everyone who reads it. Thanks for writing in.